Getting a license is a huge milestone for any teenager. However, the excitement of being an independent legal driver is short-lived if there’s no car to take for a spin.
Parents who want or need another vehicle for their new drivers are well-advised to consider pre-owned vehicles. Used cars offer a great value without the price tag of a brand-new car or truck.
Used Cars Are Cost effective
Most families strive to maintain a budget; the monthly payments for a new car loan and insurance for a new model will likely stretch your budget beyond your comfort level. Used cars reduce the up-front and on-going costs, and with the quality models available, pre-owned vehicles still offer years of low maintenance
Used Cars May Offer a Better Learning Experience
Statistically, new drivers are at a higher risk for accidents. While no parent wants to deal with the hassle and expense of vehicle repairs, those repair expenses are likely to be lower for a pre-owned vehicle.
Find a ‘New-to-You’ Car at Unique
When you need to increase the size of your family fleet to accommodate your teen driver, visit Unique Enterprises. We have a large selection of quality pre-owned vehicles, and we offer flexible financing terms that can help you fit a new used car into your budget.